Is Integration with BIM and GIS effects the Construction industries?

A significant evolutionary step has been made in the construction industry with the integration of BIM and GIS, especially for the design and management of infrastructure projects.

In reality, it is feasible to achieve a more comprehensive and practical perspective for the administration of both public and private works by combining the strength of location intelligence with BIM procedures.

Together, let’s learn what benefits BIM-GIS software offers the construction industry and how to handle the integration of BIM models with GIS thematic maps.

GIS (Geographic Information System)

Information regarding built and natural environmental assets, as well as other significant elements taking geography, demography, social economy, and environment into account, is provided by GIS.

This system uses maps to gather certain information like producing, integrating, managing, analyzing, and visualizing geographical data. Users can better comprehend patterns, spatial relationships, and geographic context thanks to it.

BIM (Building Information Modelling)

A 3D representation of the physical & functional qualities as well as the geometrical information of the linked assets is provided by BIM in an integrated database for the building and infrastructure assets.

It is a shared informational resource that fosters teamwork, document management, trade coordination, and 4D building sequencing. It supports decision-making throughout the course of a project.

BIM integrating with the GIS

The process of integrating the BIM and GIS results in a workflow that can exchange data from one system to another without additional information loss and can also query the available data within a single data structure.

A strategy focused on the importance of the data produces a more in-depth understanding of the work and the context of reference, both urban and natural. This leads to more informed decision-making, increased stakeholder involvement, and quicker and more efficient procedures.

With the help of this innovative methodology, GIS information systems provide information to the BIM model, which in turn feeds data to GIS information systems.

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Published By
Arka Roy

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